there is no crushing fury of snow, no great labour of the morning. there is life, love, happiness, and the pursuit of great big little things to come.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
the warm around my neck
there is no crushing fury of snow, no great labour of the morning. there is life, love, happiness, and the pursuit of great big little things to come.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
three is the magic number
33, on the 13th, son. take a hearty bite cause its friday, and that, goes to 11. a day for celebration worldwide. the day of venus, 13 motherfuckers at the table, you see now?
Monday, October 19, 2009

sadatay my duders,
a little late night cyber loving, just to say that the lady and i have reached the great state of texas safe and sound. we rocked through the south for a few days, and now call austin home. for those of you that gets down with the get down (this includes lurkers, no i dont have a huge ego,google analytics tells me youre out there typing in my name) i can be found laying down the sickest of tatties at Shaman modifications. and you can reach me at 609 647 4695 to make an appointment for some of the folk style artsy goodness.
my words are true, but i often mumble, so heres the skinny.
i now live in austin texas, with a woman that i love dearly, who absolutely astonishes me every day. i work at shaman modifications on ben white blvd, a wonderful studio that is home to some of the greatest talent the city has to offer (not to mention , downright good people) , i am quite happy to work alongside them. i am an experienced artist working in a new city at an awesome studio, so you should come find me there, or call me, and be counted among the ranks of those in the know.
in conclusion, things have come together, its time for baby making,loving of life, and living free.ive worked hard to get where i am, and i am at every moment, grateful for what i have been given.
today brew and view, and a dope 38 bought for someone's mom will be my inspitation
sleep well
Thursday, April 23, 2009
at what point exactly does a bad day become a good night? its as if the day was a steady diet of chicken fried rice, and hate in my heart.
Monday, April 13, 2009
yeah,i spell shit all improper like, i dont punctuate the motherfuckers like i should, could, or would.
cause thats not how i get down
im tired of
"shotgun " hairstyles
un responsive motherfuckers
cool phrases like "the skin ofmy teeth"
i mean, if you will it, it will cometrue right,
isnt that the gift or some of the like shits
people everywhere just willing their lives to be shit, cause if its that easy, ive done alot of willing, and my hole is getting deeper with shitbird bastards shoveling more and more on top of me as the days pass.
im in the ladies living room
everytime i sit on this futon, and look around, the room seems emptier and emptier
there are few things that make me happy with the passing days, but this is one of them
i dont believe that a simple change in scenery is the answer to all that troubles me, ive seen the other side of the fence, and they have dogshit in their yard too
i do believe that i have given all there is to give to this part of my life, and its given nothing back
thats all i can do right? live to eleven? and hope that the times can keep up with me
if i live my moments with a passion in my life, an understanding of things the way they should be, rather than the way they are, i feel like im still at least a half step ahead of things
ive put a down payment on my future
so that one day i might be able to break out all the love letters and little notes left on the fridge, to remind me of what i have
my daily affirmations are a reminder that there is love in every direction, so that i might not be so blinded by whats in front of me
so yeah
thats my pondering on half gay
today its zig zag 1 1/4 papers and finding long black hair on my clothes that is my inspiration.
i am an active participant, i am not some asshole on the side of the road with my thumb out
Thursday, April 9, 2009
but for today, i will use coming home and crippling emotional pain (that might be trademarked,not sure) as my inspiration.
i am indeed foxing with it,
ima do do that freaky shit, til i can get down with the get down.
yes, i talk this way,
there is a lisp,
(the impediment for all you programming geeks.)
i aint skered
and im sure as fuck not mr boombastic. but i am well built.
ive got tickets,
theres travel coming up, and the move before the move is happening,
like nowish,
actually, not even the ish. id put money on something being hammered into a wall right now,
anchored,positioned, fastened, propped and primped.
roots? not really, just a bigger pot.
thats room enough for me
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
...not a single fuck
when life hands you lemons.....?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
drugging the days

as much as some people might speak to the contrary, im a lover, not a fighter. indeed, there have been exceptions, in fact, quite a few. but, addressing that, well, possibly another day.