people talk of paying attention to the little things, or how its the little things in life that matter.
as my lady mentioned in her blog, everything is a first to the belly monster.
and its true, so i thought id just take a second to really thank the little man for re-introducing me to those things, and giving me the chance to really appreciate all that is itty bitty, the way that he might .
i feel an odd sense of selfishness (having an opportunity to live as a child,a three month old baby is giving something to me that in thirty three years my parents never could) if that makes any sense, i just hope that i give to him even even a fraction of what he has given to me. i have never seen turtles the way i did that day.....
i have butterflies just thinking about tomorrow , and what we might discover, what he might teach me.
babies have robot eyes, i imagine those big round beauties just scanning every dimension of our little cosmos, absorbing,filing, control alt delete, and repeat.
i dont know if he has a system down yet, but his jawns are in order. the dome has come equipped with all the latest womb approved technology. little does he know now that by the time he hits thirty, hell need an external storage unit for all those 1's and 0's he picked up, thats where i come in.
and explain to him that my answer to this issue, was his mother she is my external hard drive,
so now, with her help, and some sort of cosmic ,karma, i might actually have the opportunity to recall each and every one of these memories of turtles.
my inspiration for today is the mrs to my immediate right, (that puts up with me doing this night after night, scooping her leftover rice, asking me if id want some,) and the fact that she cares enough to think that i might possibly want some
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